Join us for the 2022 Fall Economic Forecast
Brian Gottlob, economic expert and Director of the NH Economic and Labor Market Information Bureau will share his economic forecast for 2023 along with his insights on key issues and challenges facing the local, state, and regional economy.
About Brian:
Brian Gottlob was recently appointed Director of the NH Economic and Labor Market Information Bureau. Prior to that Brian was the Principal of PolEcon (POL’ EE’ CON) Research, an economic consulting firm located in Dover, NH. For more than two decades Brian has analyzed economic, demographic, labor market and industry trends for corporations, trade associations, government agencies, and legal/ lobbying firms. Brian has completed studies on wide range of economic, demographic, energy, financial, fiscal, and labor market issues in NH and 30 other states. Prior to founding PolEcon in 2001 Brian was a Vice President for Fiscal and Economic Policy at the Business and Industry Association of NH.