This unique 3-event series on September 3, September 24, and October 21 will provide an opportunity for GMCC members to connect in a new format, focused on four values of the Chamber – networking, civic engagement, leadership, and entrepreneurial spirit. Each seminar within the series will speak to these values through engaging and innovative presentations and conversations. The goal of the program is to provide members with an engaging and tangible Chamber experience while also highlighting available opportunities, such as the Leadership Greater Manchester program and Networking events regularly hosted by the Chamber. Trinnie Houghton and Sojourn Partners staff will facilitate.
Our first seminar on September 3 will focus on "Enhanced Networking."
Are you tired of “another networking event?”
Take the “work” out of networking. Cast a wider networking net. Networking shouldn’t look like busywork. Learn everything from how to enter the room to how to exit a conversation, so every minute at networking events is productive and authentic.
Single Seminar Rates:
Chamber Members: $35 for a single seminar
Not-yet Chamber Members: $40 for a single seminar
Package Rate for Entire Series(please be sure to register for all 3 seminars at once to take advantage of this opportunity):
Chamber Member Package Rate: $33 per seminar (September 3, September 24, October 21) Not-yet Chamber Member Package Rate: $38 per seminar (September 3, September 24, October 21)