Presented by Acapella Technologies
-Technology for Business Development and Lead Generation
-Efficiency of Internal Technology:
Is Your technology an effective tool?
Are Your Employees Frustrated by or Enthusiastic about the State of your Technology?
-Protection of Customer Data and your own Sensitive Data:
Firewalls and Digital protection
Penetration Testing: Phishing Attacks, Physical Security
-Cloud Technology:
What is the cloud?
How Can My Company Save Money in the Cloud
-Cloud Based Applications
-Pitfalls with Cloud Technology
-Data Centers
-Virtual Desktops
Your use of technology says a lot about your company. How do your customers view your use of technology? Are you using technology for lead generation? Internally, how is your technology usage? Is it the tool that you intended it to be, or a source of frustration for all? How do you protect your data from attack? What’s the latest on this cloud thing?
With a loosely defined agenda and ample opportunity for questions and dialogue, Acapella Technologies brings you an opportunity to get all of your technology questions answered, or at least gets you on the path toward those answers.